We are taking a closer look at the subject of Salvation as we approach this 4th Sunday in Lent.
Today, we tie in with the subject of Sacrifice as part of what our Salvation in Jesus means to our faith.
We touched on a bit of the sacrificial system of atoning for ones sins as we covered Israel's history last week while we were "Learning From The Past". We want to think deeper about what it is that we can give up during this season of Lent. If you ask any good Christina person on the street what they gave up for Lent this year, you might get a variety of responses. "Ha Ha, no i didn't give up anything." to "What in the world are you talking about?" Some folks have never heard of such ridiculous behavior before and would scoff at the idea.
Some might ask if Christians should observe Lent; especially those in a Protestant tradition. The means and practice of Lent truly come from our Catholic background. This time of the year is a special means of trying to draw closer to the Lord through means of sacrificing something that is near and dear to us; something we could go without. Some from the Protestant tradition would see the ritual as a means of control put upon the people by the hierarchy in the Church, and maybe that is true. However, the scriptural presentation of Jesus calling the disciples and asking them to drop what was in their hands and follow Him is a powerful display of what is means to follow in the footsteps of our Savior. This Christian faith is about following Christ and allowing God to make us into people who resemble the same dedication that His Son put into following the Father. So, maybe, we should take this Lenten tradition a bit more serious as we think about what this season culminates in - the death of Jesus on the cross. The ultimate sacrifice as a sign of Love being shared with all of mankind.
What would you give up is asked to do so in order to be closer to God?
If you had a chance to lay something down that would take a weight off your shoulders and lessen the burden of this life, what would it be? I'm going throw three ideas at you this morning. They are not three suggestions of things you give up. They are three simple ideas to think about as you continue this thought in your prayer and devotional life. Whatever you give up is between you and the Lord.
The first bit of inspiration comes from Matthew 6. I am not suggesting that you fast. I am saying that if you choose to give something up, this bit of scripture might be a good way to approach it. In our world today, with talk shows allowing people to put their face and emotions on display, it is more common place than ever to flaunt and throw our discontent around. Giving up something is never easy and I truly believe our Lord understands the human way more than we know. Change is never easy and for many the subject of giving something up and sacrificing is a huge difference from what we were raised to believe about life. American life can be a big blessing to unfold. Yet, there are those who go without on a daily basis. Without food, or home or family to help and sustain them. it can be a tremendous way to carry on in this world. What could we learn from the life of Jesus about leaving all we knew behind and venturing forward, just clinging to faith and trust in the Father? It is a powerful image that deserve more of our attention.
Much if the Psalms is either King David or another writer sharing their heart over what is going on in their world on a personal level. It truly is a person sharing their full self with God over whatever is going on in front of them at the moment. Whatever we choose let go of and follow God on should be done with a "broken and contrite heart". In fact, the Psalmist here says that is exactly the sacrifice he is making. His own heart. He puts it all in the Lord's hands and say "Here I am". And, God does not despise that offering. That is exactly the offering God is looking for. He wants us. All of us. All of you. Everything that makes up YOU, God wants it in his hands. There are many situations in life where we hang on to issues, people, hardships, control and we keep it in our own hands instead letting God take it all away. How heavy does the load need to become before we find out we cannot carry it by ourselves, or even at all? "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest." God doesn't want us to be burdened with the cares of this life. He wants us to walk in the joy and grace of Jesus. There is no better way to carry on in this world.
Do you want to be a follower of Jesus? There is no doubt that many people believe in Jesus. They believe he exists. They believe in the name of Jesus. The believe the bible and what it presents. They believe the history and authenticity of the scriptures. Do you believe to give up what you have in front of you and follow Jesus with all your heart? John Wesley covered our salvation through a series of steps moments. Wesley would preach a sermon on sacrifice. He would bring a message on repentance. Wesley would talk in another about seeking forgiveness. All seperate items and ideas that needed to be addressed and presented. In all, he covered more than 30 topics in a series of messages all having to do with our salvation. This subject of sacrifice is simply a part of our salvation. Some might look on it as a journey. A journey into a deeper commitment and fulfillment of what it means to become like Jesus.
What will you give up for Lent?
God loves you so much that he gave his One and Only Son so that you might know what life is like with God, forever.